Remote Allergy Treatment Made Easy

Our expert allergy specialists can diagnose and treat your allergies without you having to leave the comfort of your home.

How Can I Treat My Allergies Remotely?

Telemedicine allows you and your doctor to connect using digital technology to discuss your allergies, without needing to travel to an office or wait to be seen. These appointments are easy, convenient, safe and are covered by most insurance plans.

You can easily set up an initial telemedicine video chat with an allergy specialist without downloading any software or applications – all you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer. The process is simple:

  1. Call us or use our online scheduler to set up an appointment
  2. We will contact you via email and send you the appointment link
  3. At your scheduled time, click the link and you will be connected with your doctor online
  4. We will discuss your symptoms and lifestyle, and determine if at-home allergy testing and drops are right for you.

At-Home Allergy Treatment 101

Read our quick and simple At-Home Allergy Treatment Guide for an overview of remote allergy treatment options, process, and benefits. Learn about:

  • Telemedicine
  • At-home allergy testing
  • Allergy drops
  • Environmental controls

Read the Guide

At-Home Allergy Testing

at home allergy testWe treat allergies specific to Colorado and the surrounding area, including our neighboring states. Our allergy tests can tell us if you have allergies, what you are allergic to, and how severe your allergies are.

What to Expect from Your At-Home Allergy Test

  1. We mail you a test kit with easy 4-step instructions
  2. You perform the test yourself and send the results back in a pre-paid envelope
  3. You have a follow-up appointment with one of our trained specialty providers to go over your results
  4. We design a treatment plan tailored for your unique needs

Allergy Drops

Allergy DropsAfter our allergy test determines the source and severity of your allergies, we will discuss your treatment options. We have been successfully treating patients with allergy drops for over a decade. Allergy drops can be taken anywhere, anytime, and with the same proven results as allergy shots.

The allergy drop treatment process is simple and effective:

1. Prescribing allergy drops – We customize your allergy drops based on your specific allergies. We can mix several antigens in one bottle of allergy drops so that we treat all of your allergies at the same time.

2. Taking your allergy drops – You can do your treatments at home – typically two doses in the morning and one dose at night. When you run out, our office will send you the next bottle in your treatment program.

3. Environmental controls and medications – Once we confirm your allergies, we can help you find ways to avoid your allergens by suggesting changes in diet and lifestyle. Patients who choose to start allergy drops notice that their symptoms decrease the longer they take the drops.

Dedicated to Helping You Find Relief from Allergies Remotely

Our expert allergy specialists and ENT doctors are dedicated to helping you find solutions to your allergy problems remotely, so you can feel real relief from your allergies without ever having to set foot inside an office.

Book a Virtual Appointment Now

Find Freedom from Your Allergies

Allergies can affect anyone. Especially in the dry, severe climates of Colorado. While it’s true that allergies are more common in children, they can develop, change, or worsen at any age. Some of the most common types include:

  • Pollen allergy (tree, plant, weed)
  • Dust mite allergy
  • Mold allergy
  • Animal dander allergy (pet allergy)
  • Latex allergy
  • Food allergy
  • Drug allergy
  • Insect Sting allergy

Allergy symptoms can vary based on the trigger or allergen involved, but they tend to affect your nasal passages, sinuses and skin. Common symptoms include:

Itchy eyes or nose
Drippy nose
Hoarse voice
Upset stomach
Itchy throat
Frequent throat clearing
Worsening of asthma
Trouble breathing


An allergy test is the best way to diagnose your allergies. Our at-home allergy testing kits allow you to send samples to the lab in a pre-paid envelope to get quick, accurate results. Book an appointment now to discuss your symptoms.

Privacy and Security

The safety and privacy of your information is our utmost concern. We have ensured that all of the technology we utilize is HIPAA compliant. Your information and conversation will remain confidential in the same way it would during an in-office visit.